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Old 03-12-2010, 07:47 PM
Moon Willow
Posts: n/a
I'm definitely side with the homeopathic way of medicine. I see it as everything in nature is perfectly balanced, and nature has a cure for every imbalance so why change perfection. Our bodies are a part of nature and are amazing at healing themselves. If I get sick I like to use herbal medicines to help support my body and then use good foods to help my body repair itself. People say that homeopathic medicine isn't tried and tested...well, it has been used successfully for thousands of years...surely that's enough?

If it got to the point where the homeopathic stuff isn't working, then yes I would give some allopathic things a try but it would be my last resort. I also know that allopathic medicine usually makes me sicker than the original complaint too, which is another reason why I stick with medicinal herbs. It scares me to that most drug trials that are done are not independantly tested and there is just too much money at stake for me to believe that the truth is always told.

Just my thoughts for the day.

Moony x x x
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