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Old 17-09-2006, 08:23 PM
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Lightbulb Life Purpose Number

My Life Purpose number is 8. This is from Karen Bishop's book Remembering Your Soul Purpose - A Part of Ascension 2006.

"The Life Purpose of the Number Eight is in mastery at all levels and planes of being. Eights strive to maintain a balance between the spiritual and material world. A leader with authority, you must have a purpose and goal in life. You will handle money and business well by keeping balanced using the power and authority that can guide the spiritual energies into creation. You are here to generate power for the many. You are a natural overseer, supervisor, and authoritative individual, with the courage, perseverance and will to accomplish the goal at hand. As a teacher of the race, you are here to use your natural abilities for the good a ALL humanity. Your are here to supervise, regulate, and direct the affairs of others (very possibly in the areas of property and land). Research, investigation, counseling and advisory positions put you in your highest space for assisting the planet. You can get things done and make things happen. With incredible strength, you are able to pull things into fruition when others cannot. With a grasp of the New World and the Shift of the Ages, you will make sure that it is supported and manifests into form!"

Huummm, I hadn't read that for awhile and it all sounded very Capricorn/Saturn with a dash of Cancer and Scorpio thrown in. I'm a Capricorn with a stellium in the 8th, the natural house of Scorpio and Cancer is the opposite Sign to Cap. These Numbers so closely match or reflect our astrological charts......duh. Of course they would, it's all one big package carrying the same energies.