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Old 31-07-2013, 09:44 AM
running running is offline
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yeah it makes no sense to me. But I'm at peace without Buddhist philsophy so I'm looking at it from a different perspective.

I will just use one thing as an example. All suffering is the same. Okay how does someone apply that in there life. I'm a keep it simple type. This isn't simple. If I was to take it litarly I would have to believe there's no difference in life. Weather I'm happy, sad, hungry, and etc. Its a philsophy that requires a lot of thought to get to anything.

While everyone's contemplating all that I have already progressed further in my meditation and such. Simply because I'm spending less time trying to understand what so and so was trying to say. That being said I'm having fun contemplating it right now for fun. So that's cool!
Originally Posted by CSEe
Dear Running , you said , I quote " If I was to adopt Buddhist philosophy towards life I would call it all suffering. But not adopting those ideologies I'm seeing life as quite pleasant." Un-quote

To me is the reverse ...I found peace in understanding of Buddhism . Buddhism concept to me is very clear that all suffering is same / equal as joy , and there is no differences of emotions not as in human knowledge . In human knowledge , all emotions were clearly defined and from the defination , we accepted differences Buddhism there is no differences of joy or suffering as both is a reflection of our emotions understanding / accepting / realizing we progress into this path , our emotion will reduced , our joy/suffering will be reduced . Buddhism is understand life , accepting emotion , realizing ownselves not to define life .....

You said " To me someone whom doesn't care for life came up with those ideas. In order for someone to discern anything you have to see contrast. Its why I have eyes to see. Ears to hear. Intuition to sense. I can go on and on. Without the ability to discern there's no point in anything. Tons of people since the beginning of time have grown to very high states of consciousness while still having personality and the ability to discern. Everything has something to sell. To me this is to be sold to those whom perhaps are fed up with life in some way. Its a good pitch. I'm sure there's tons of buyers." un-quote

Is human current culture to distingust , human use knowledge to define , to accept the differences and live in with the differences .........comparison makes human feel alive , knowledge makes human have faith ....human had created own understanding of world ...but the question is perhaps we are looking at something too far , too tiny , too close too large to notice ...perhaps we had confused ourselves with our own knowledge ....Buddhism concept makes me clear of that , Buddhism is all the answer and question ........
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