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Old 31-07-2013, 01:35 AM
CSEe CSEe is offline
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Originally Posted by running
I agree. And the thing that I don't get is why the dualistic nature of life and nothingness. Why not enjoy them both? Why call life suffering? I'm in agreement with Buddhism that the nothingness is in the core of the bliss or whatever one calls it. But what happens when you come out and adventure life. Can't it just both be good. I would hate to look at life in such a negative fashion. I get where there coming from but I don't agree with it. That's my opinion anyways.

In my current understanding , the cause of all the human confusion is attachment on knowledge . Knowledge has became a basis / referral to living and human seems to become the knowledge itself .
We accepted the differences and had created a culture of comparison because of our knowledge .
We by our culture base on knowledge , we created the differences of joy against suffering , happy against sorrow , good against bad , right against wrong , true against false ......all these because of human culture of using knowledge as a basis of all .
Currently I cannot find any reason to be agree that nothingness is a core of bliss ....perhaps in Buddhism as we progress our desire , our emotion of bliss or sorrow will be reduced until there is nothing -empty , no feeling of joy or sad ...that is emptiness and perhaps further into that process is nothingness - the original nature of all existence .

In my current understanding , by being awake to aware , aware to realize the concept of Buddhism , we will living our life in a different meaning . Life is like a road , body is the car , our emotion is the driver is always the driver call on where to go , which road to take always the driver choice .
Suffering or joy is resulted from our emotion ........and defined by our knowledge and acceptance of such knowledge ......
Buddhism in my current understanding is beyond knowledge , beyond culture so if we hold on our knowdledge ...thats suffering .
Buddhism is a process that we will eventually free from all emotion , not by our choice or practices but its natural ..........
As our emotion decreased , we will be in a condition less burden of self , with less desire , less love , less ego , less fear etc ...this condition is best descriped as " joy" or " compassionate" , "free"...but any words by human knowledge is never could explain such condition acurately ......
That condition is a resulted from being less self .......thats my current understanding of Buddhism.
Thks CSEe
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