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Old 19-07-2013, 10:09 AM
Posts: n/a
Psychic attack is actually elements attacking the little child in you. In other words they get to your subconscious level and dig into your weak points. It is a fear-based attack. And the consequences can, at times be devastating. Therefore, if you follow scriptures, (I follow Sikh scriptures) you will find yourself getting involved in positive higher source descriptions. The more you read, the more positive stuff gets into the Sub-conscious Mind, which is like a storage library of your past. Every moment contemplated upon the Source, God, creator of the Universe, increases the beneficial engrams in the SM. Imagine two scales = the beneficial memories, and the evil types, that we unknowingly allow ourselves to get indulged in. Whichever side of the scales is heavier, that part has a stronger hold on us. TV, Internet, newspaper, ads have an evil subliminal side in them. The more you're exposed to them, the more they control you without your knowledge.
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