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Old 29-11-2010, 11:57 PM
captain kirk
Posts: n/a
Originally Posted by Sangress
Has anyone here ever had an experience where they, or someone else, had been physically wounded (bruises, cuts, scratched, bite marks....etc) without being physically touched?

Has anyone witnessed someone causing physical bodily harm to another with only their mind or some kind of telekinetic skill?

Has anyone witnessed a spirit, rather than a physical person, do such a thing?

I myself have had an experience similar, if not identical, to these examples and I was wondering if anyone here has any knowledge on the subject.

I experience it all of the time. A woman from my past is connected to me telepathically full time. I totally related to what your saying about being "touched" or even hurt by telekinis. She has been downright mean to me at times. I have much to say about this. PM me or something if you want me to share more.
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