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Old 10-07-2013, 10:18 AM
Belle Belle is offline
Join Date: May 2012
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I've had PLR (past life regessions) and it's really helped in piecing things together as to the whys for my life. One thing I've found is that not everything is revealed at once, it's been more of a piece of information here, a piece of information there and I don't think in this life time i will get all the answers. Having let go of all the need to get the answers, it's much easier.

However, I'm not sure you would be able to get answers on someone else's life.

That said, having got answers on your own life, it makes it easier to be open minded as to the whys for someone else's life and it makes it easier to see that things are not as simple and straightforwards as a one single answer.

Remember, the higher self, it's much more intricate then the understanding we have on this plane.
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