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Old 10-07-2013, 05:29 AM
Jenny Crow Jenny Crow is offline
Join Date: May 2013
Posts: 2,194
I couldn't wait to cast my first spell but I was lucky enough to have a very good teacher and mentor. Ya know, you don't necessarily have to be a Witch to work magic though, anyone can do it if they have a mind to - a big part of it is setting your intent - which apparently you're able to do.

You said you've been told that you were a Witch in a past life - who told you if you don't mind my asking? Was the person a practicing Witch? Do YOU think you were a Witch in a past life? You mentioned that you've done a lot of reading - a couple of books I would recommend are "A Witches' Bible" by Janet and Stewart Farrar'; "Traditional Witchcraft, A Cornish Book of Ways" by Gemma Gary; "The Black Toad" by Gemma Gary; and Judika Illes has a couple of spell books out that are pretty informative with LOTS of spells - "The Element Encyclopedia of 1000 Spells" and "The Element Encyclopedia of 5000 Spells".

You should be quite safe doing a spell or two but if you're going to work magic by calling on a deity you need to be careful which deity you invoke.

Jenny Crow
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