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Old 28-11-2010, 02:19 AM
Posts: n/a
"They are fat because they don't love themselves"

It's just a quote from Louise L Hay, from her book You Can Heal Your Life, got me thinking, to the point it twisted my mind up.
Well, I believe everything else she says, but having a hard time grasping this one. I've seen overweight people who really do love themselves, the happiest, most confident people in the world, i would think if you loved yourself your body and you wouldn't care what weight you are.
I've heard people talking about fat, as being love.
What about Buddha?
I've also seen thin people, and they turn out to be some of the meanest most hateful people out there, maybe it's because they spend so much time trying to be that way...

In the old days, thin was viewed as being bad and unhealthy.

"When we begin to love and approve of ourselves, it's amazing how weight just disappears from our bodies."

Now I'm going to jump into the "Secret" the book. It say's you can envision yourself to your ideal weight, if you act, and believe in it. It says to take a look at those special people who say "I can eat as much as i want and never get fat!" They don't because they believe it. She even goes into further detail, and says that she doesn't even believe that FOOD is what makes us fat, it is our relationship and beliefs of it that do. So if we managed to eat, in a mindful way, and loved our food, believed it would make us thin and healthy, it would.

I was doing this for awhile, and it was working.
But i'm having a hard time trying to shape this into concept for my own personal use. I'm overcoming an eating disorder. Her concepts are very good for me.
I'm not fat, my normal weight was actually nice and stable at the low end of what i should be, not too low to be considered dangerous or "anorexic looking". But my eating disorder plagues me with "fat thoughts". I've been using positive affirmations to get me through my recovery and it's working well.
BUT, i've also gained 20 pounds in a few weeks, possibly due to laxative abuse withdrawal, water retention, and constipation, also, it is known temporary weight gain happens while recovering from an eating disorder, but this is tripping up my positive thought work greatly!!! When i first started eating properly, and using the law of attraction, i lost a few pounds every day, probably not good. But suddenly, BAM 20 pounds up. Could be due to medical reasons, but i thought the law of attraction is supposed to even defeat that?
Maybe because i expect it will happen? I am trying, but it's hard to wrap my mind around it all. What should i do?
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