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Old 14-06-2013, 01:47 AM
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Originally Posted by Bluegreen
In Dr. A. Kingford's book Perfect Way there is an explanation of who or what Satan is.

Satan, it says, is the adversary because matter opposes spirit.

“ . . . For Satan is the magistrate of the justice of God (Karma); ...”

“The glory of Satan is the shadow of the Lord”: God in the manifested world; “the throne of Satan is the footstool of Adonai” — that footstool being the whole Kosmos.

When the Church, therefore, curses Satan, it curses the cosmic reflection of God; it anathematizes God made manifest in matter or in the objective; it maledicts God, or the ever-incomprehensible Wisdom, revealing itself as Light and Shadow, good and evil in nature, in the only manner comprehensible to the limited intellect of Man.

See page 235 on the above site.

There is , IMO, no such thing as Satan...It is just a word....A word that the Church used to instill fear in the populace....a word that instills dread in those unfortunate enough to believe such things...but still, just a word....
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