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Old 02-06-2013, 04:37 AM
kuurt kuurt is offline
Join Date: May 2013
Posts: 147
Well, there are lots of reasons to want to do this. As an example, say that someone has always had an extreme phobia of water in this life that they haven't been able to overcome. They don't know where this fear originated, it's just something they've always had. With this type of hypnotherapy once they are very deep you can give them the suggestion to "go to the source of this phobia - to where it originated".

So in this example you're not just taking them on a tour of some of their past lives (which can be another reason for doing this work if they're interested in that), you are having them go to a past life that is influencing their present life experience. That is if the phobia indeed started in a past life. It could have begin in this life and they're just not aware of the cause. Either way, you're going to help them become aware of the cause of the phobia so that they can let go of the phobia. If the cause of the phobia was that they had drowned in a past life then that memory will come into their awareness.

So that's two reasons why someone would want to do this. Another one that really appeals to me is that once the persons conscious mind is completely out of the way you can supposedly ask questions and their subconscious mind, higher self, or spirit guide can answer through them. Kind of like how Edgar Cayce the sleeping prophet was able to get answers for people. He didn't remember any of it after he awakened and they might not either, but you can record what they said. I think you can even get information from the Akashic Records this way. Everybody has questions that they'd like to get answered. Why do I have this illness? Is there anyway I can get rid of this illness? What is it that I'm having an allergy to? What is my souls purpose? What should I be doing? What is my spirit guides name? How can I communicate with my spirit guide? - just some examples.

Not only could you use this kind of hypnotherapy to get answers to questions you've always wanted to know, you can help other people get answers to their questions.

And as I already mentioned, some people might just be interested in becoming aware of some of their past lives. That would certainly be interesting wouldn't it - seeing who you were in some past lives.

Or how about going through the death process in one of those lives and seeing that we don't really die. Then you can completely lose your fear of death.

And of course you can also see where your souls goes in between lives. I'm sure a lot of people are skeptical about this stuff. That's understandable. But, when thousands of people have been regressed in this way and they all report going to the same places in between lives then there has to be something to it.

So that's several reasons for doing this kind of hypnotherapy.
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