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Old 26-11-2010, 03:10 PM
Posts: n/a

Originally Posted by Shabda
right, i understand, and yes you did say that not all would agree, i wasnt trying to argue either, just forwarding some notions that ive discovered through experiences of my own, but that doesnt make me right either, and it is possible that we both define the soul differently, so i guess i was just putting into words, my understanding of it, thus far, not a big huge disagreement or anything, i hope i didnt offend, i didnt mean to...

Hello Shabda,

No offence is taken, I didn't mean to come across in any other way than one of explanation. I am sorry if I sound gruff, I didn't mean to.

I agree, we are all different and all have different pathways (leading to the same goal however) and we all learn in different ways. How otherwise would the Eternal One experience Himself, there would be no point if we were all clones. There would only be the need for one Soul/Being that way.

We are all correct in our own way, that is the way that we have learned and experienced and it is there for us to share with others and likewise to share others' experiences and learning. That is how we learn and help each other to learn, by putting forward our own experiences. Don't you agree?

That is what these forums are about. There is no argument, it is all sharing.

I am always being told by my nearest and dearest that I come across as a headmistress, I don't mean to, that is just me I am afraid. I am sorry if I seem that way, please forgive me, but as I said it is just me, I can't help it.

I don't like arguments, ill feeling and negativity as it gets one nowhere and upsets all around. So please accept my apologies if I sounded that way.


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