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Old 19-05-2013, 11:22 AM
Posts: n/a
Originally Posted by running
Its all the time but it is stronger if I'm more focused on it. So meditation makes it stronger.

Dear Running,

Thanks for your question. In practicing Buddhism, generally I feel peaceful and clear minded, with a sense of joy. But a few times, I did feel full of joy. That was usually the sign of improvement or inspiration. But it did not last long -- a few hours, or two weeks at the most. I know other Buddhists experience the same when they improve.

I do not know if such feeling is comparable to yours. But I would suggest that whatever religion you pursue, always review yourself with the standards of truth, beauty and kindness. If you are going towards these ends, you are fine.

Also, in Buddhism, when Buddhists practice, they do experience very usual feelings. Buddha taught that, whatever extraordinary feelings you experience, do not think it as holy. Take it as ordinary things.

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