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Old 14-05-2013, 08:13 PM
Belle Belle is offline
Join Date: May 2012
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Originally Posted by Saggi
It's giving up the power, even unwittingly, that creates the power struggle,,,

The need to claim it back in order to regain enough to give it up again,,,

Realizing you were a part of it, empowered you, therefore creating a whole new energy level within you and the ability to offload if it is in excess,,,

Creating a balance and bringing things into your life to sustain you being a co-conspirator and removing the disorder,,,

Empowerment takes a long time, loads of different parts to it, all the nooks and crannies to expose,,, but well worth every moment!!!

It's a wonderful feeling

Love and hugs



Thanks yes. Still a long way to go - but as soon as you realise that you are a co-dependent with the vamps, then you are empowered and you realise that you are making a choice. you are unconciously choosing to be drained by a vamp - or whatever. And then, you can choose different.

For me, it went down very very badly!

But, I share my story in the hope it helps others adn it is really important to realise - as previously stated (I forget whom) that you are hindering the journey of the vamp by playing along. You are allowing them to be fed from you rather than direct from the source. And that hinders their own journey. Really key.
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