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Old 14-05-2013, 07:55 PM
RabbiO RabbiO is offline
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Originally Posted by Amilius777
I am horrified by this Thread!

lol just kidding.

Jesus pretty much summed it up. Love one another, thy self, and God. That pretty much sums it all up.

Why should anyone bother with the Old Testament? Its all tribal minded consciousness.

Its like applying Greek politics to modern day United States politics. Just because it is all politics doesn't mean they apply to one another.

I don't think we need 10 Commandments on front lawn Court houses, Supreme Courts, and Senate buildings.

Human beings pretty much know that killing, stealing, cheating against your lover, coveting, and dishonoring your parents are pretty much low-minded consciousness. They keep you from growing and becoming more and more full of Awareness.

The whole "Sabbath day" and "No other gods beside me" can be modernized as "Make sure to keep a few hours a week for meditation on God/Source/Light etc." and "Make sure to have One Ideal, One Aim, One Source, not many distractions from the Truth".

i am surprised nobody realizes that historically Moses was from a Semite group who actually aided the Egyptians towards protecting their northern border. Once these Semite warriors became useless, they were being used as stone movers and basically "slaves" to Egyptian materialism. Moses' entire campaign was militaristic. The guy was some mystic who spoke with the Source directly in his consciousness, but was also a feared warrior to lead campaigns out of Egypt and went to conquer other lands and his "Source- I AM that I AM" became more and more diluted into a Jehovah Desert War-God. Ironically the time of Moses was the Age of Aries. This is no surprise since Aries is the "God of War". Just because it was okay in Moses' time under that state of "tribal" consciousness to kill and pillage your enemies doesn't mean it is okay now. So why keep the Old Testament?

Humanity has already grown past all of this development. We are now in a more older-adult state of mind. We are past the infancy in Genesis, the adolescence of Exodus, the disciplinary college life of Leviticus/Dueteromy/Books/etc, were past the young adult trials and tribulations of Kings I and II/Dark Ages, and we came to the adulthood in Jesus. Now humanity is ready for Adult spirituality.

Enough with the old, in with the new.

You'll just have to forgive those of us who are not quite ready to consign Judaism into the dust bin of history.

You'll just have to put up with those of us who, with all due respect, disagree with most of what you espouse and remain committed to the covenant at Sinai. You'll just have to get used to the fact that we have no intention of becoming curious little artifacts in a history museum.

Anf before I forget - which is easy at my age - is there some source you are using to the identify G-d as "I am that I am?" I ask only because that phrase does not appear in the Torah.


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