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Old 14-05-2013, 12:42 PM
Sammy Sammy is offline
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Originally Posted by psychoslice
For me the ego is who we think we are, its our conditioning and programming, but in truth it isn't who we truly are. If you can imagine us being waves on the ocean, and each wave calling itself a name and identifying itself as that wave, when in fact we are the ocean. Yes the wave is also the ocean, but the story that the wave has made isn't the ocean in its pureness. Like a mirage in the desert, its there, but it isn't what we thought it was.

I could see how one might see themselves this way, but your relying on your ego's description to be filled out by what others think. If you only see yourself in a way someone else saw you, you will hit egotism a lot. You will be trying to live up to something outside of who you truly are. It doesn't surprise me this is compared to waves on a ocean, it would never end.

I don't see how the ego can be what we think we are, that is being egotistical. You would be saying regardless of the truth I AM this, when you are only thinking it. What you think you are is when ego is getting in the way. Having an ego, is knowing your boundaries.Just let it go if you miscalculated the boundaries. We claim in it because its what we know were good at it.
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