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Old 14-05-2013, 05:57 AM
Posts: n/a

Originally Posted by Juanita
I personally do not come from a place of fear, but neither am I able to turn the other cheek...Unfortunately, I often come from a place of anger, not for myself, but for the misguided child who thinks that she carries the mark of the beast, the poor soul who believes in eternal damnation and hellfire, the irrational belief that someone died for your sins, or believe that people can come back from the dead, that we re not "all" the sons and daughters of God/The Source, that the creator plays games by splitting souls in half so they can find each other....these things don't make me sad--they make me mad...never in my long life have I seen such beliefs in dogma, mythology, superstition and outright vivid imagination........sorry, I felt the need to rant a bit......

I hear you, dear Juanita. Deeply understood. It's all good, and is a valuable addition to this thread. I appreciate you. Blessings.
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