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Old 13-05-2013, 09:59 AM
WhiteWarrior WhiteWarrior is offline
Join Date: Nov 2011
Posts: 2,615
Originally Posted by unicorn121
Hey WhiteWarrior,

I was just curious did you receive all of this information from your guides? Does that mean that you can communicate very clearly with them?

I was wondering if you could ask something on the behalf of all the members of this community, which I also am very interested in, but which I think will have extreme benefits for everybody.

Is the law of attraction real? Is there a really simple, but reliable, way to use it? Can we use it to attract virtually anything we want? I always find that the most difficult part is believing in it. Is there a way to prove to myself that it exists in a short period of time?

As a simple illustration (not about proving it to myself, though): If I imagine that I have $15 million in my bank account, and I keep imagining that everyday and feeling positive feelings as a result, will I attract that reality?
And just to be clear, for my example, would the money be *assured* to come; like say, if I don't take up some opportunity, will another opportunity present itself? If I'm not too social, will I just end up winning the lottery?

Other than that, I'm really thankful that you're providing information. It seems like virtually everyone who is interested in providing this service and helping others will charge at least $100. So...thanks :P. Even though you're not being paid, just remember that upwelling of positive emotion that you get from knowing that you're a morally good human being. If I ever manage to achieve my dream of communicating with God, or at the very least my spirit guides, I would hands down offer free services for everybody. And I would earn a living doing something else.

But for now this law of attraction thing is crucial. Because I feel like I could also use it to attract psychic abilities, which in turn could help me communicate with my spirit guides. Do you think that sounds like a good idea? Sorry for so many questions, you're just a very rare individual here :)

Um. On one hand I find the whole concept of LoA somewhat dubious. As they used to say in Russia... "If wishes were horses, beggars would ride." But I know many people spend a lot of thought on this issue and I will ask my guides - or other trustworthy spirits - what they know about it and come back with their reply whatever it is. I've been surprised before. You might want to be a bit patient though.
Better to light a candle than to curse the darkness.
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