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Old 08-05-2013, 12:22 AM
Posts: n/a
Not pretty, but True

So many people involved in the new age, or really almost any spiritual path, seem to ignore the harsh, or the dirty, or the ugly. They want everything to be pretty, and smell sweet, and be about love and goodness.

My experiences, both in this life and in others, has been that the best truth is one you don't want to hear. The most harsh, even destructive truth, is the one you most need to be exposed to. I think that this applies to spirituality as well.

Sometimes in this world, you CANNOT have what you want. No amount of positive thinking or affirmations or willpower or magic can get it for you. You can effect reality with positive or negative thinking, yes. But you don't ever have the power to dictate it. In fact, you have no power. No one does. Ever.

Oh. Except for one. Choice. It's all you get. Time and choice. Allotted Life and Free Will. Guess what? Most of us don't use our free will. We never make conscious choices, we merely follow others, or wander around smashing into things lost, until we figure it out. Or not. Some people are lost all their lives.

That is lesson 2. Not everyone can be saved. Not everyone can be redeemed. Some don't even seek, or deserve such. I'm not saying that to try is a bad idea, just know that it doesn't always work.

Lesson 3. You shouldn't expect a thank you any time soon for the good that you do in this life. Because life doesn't offer a reward. In fact, it punishes good behavior. Ever meet a REAL hero? They aint happy people. They usually die young and after a lot of pain. The thing that makes them heroes is that they do it anyway. Because somebody has to.

Final truth of the day. In this world, in this life, there is Evil. It is not stupid and it sometimes can be organized and work together. It rarely self destructs. Sometimes it must be fought, not only with visualizations of soft white light and positive vibes, but with fist and blade and gun. Evil is often beautiful and clean and smells like vanilla faerie farts. It might call itself Friend, Lover, Sheppard, or even Parent or Child. Or Brother or Sister.

You will suffer. You will know pain. You will lose...everything in the end. You will go unrecognized and even be vilified. Sometimes, to do what is right, or what must be done, you will have blood on your hands. You will be lonely. Poor. Sick. You will Break. Life is NOT fair. It can be brutal as a bare knuckle boxing match with a Heavyweight contender.

But if you try. If you keep picking yourself back up, patching yourself back together, and never give up. If you do what you must and what is right according to each ever changing situation you face...

Then someone else MIGHT live. Or discover happiness. Or just know peace and plenty. And when you finally pass beyond this life, you will go out knowing you did it the right way and you die clean.

If I have offended, forgive. Or ignore. If you understand, then stay silent. If you have questions and really seek to understand...ask. Thanks for reading.
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