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Old 03-05-2013, 03:54 AM
Amilius777 Amilius777 is offline
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Well that makes sense psycolice.

Would you agree that some of the "naughty" or questionable behavior of prophets in the Old Testament like Moses etc, and masters in India, and Buddhas etc is because they transcend the dualism of good and bad? They speak and act from that Higher Consciousness and if it requires in their present role to go to war, scold others, or do some unsavory things that we are judging it from the lack of understanding?

Example: Moses doing some heinous stuff during tribal warfare and tribal collective consciousness seems sinful or bad towards today standards, but perhaps those were the ways in those days when he manifested his Higher Consciousness?

Now I am not coming to grips with Sathya Sai Baba. Those video that TThor and I posted convince me beyond doubt of what he was REALLY about and I don't like it.
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