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Old 30-04-2013, 01:16 PM
Posts: n/a
I became a bit crazy in my contact with my beloved from the time he starting to distance himself from me, when we broke up and the time after that. I wanted answers from him. Why was he distancing himself, why couldn't he just be with me when I know he felt the same love for me as I did him. He has never denied his feelings for me, just that he wasn't ready to committ to our relationship at this time. I did not see or hear from him in 2.5 years. For the last year I realized that my contacting him is just pushing him further away. He needs his space from me to continue on his own journey and I realized I had my own journey to focus on. Then boom he reappears in my life. He didn't seek me out but I believe the universe brought us back together. Just all the events that day that happend were not by concidence. I believe we were meant to see each other again and things happend to make way for that to happen. He was friendly towards me and was generally happy to see me I think. He asked me how I was and what I had been up too. He seemed proud of me for choosing to finally going back to school and making positive changes to my life. We hung out with our mutual friends the whole night. he did not seem weirded out that I was there.

I got to see him the following night too. He even picked me up in our mutual friend's car. It was so good to see him again and I saw a little bit of growth in him and Im sure he saw some in me. We maynot be in place to reunite in the romantic sense but at least now we can be friendly we do run into each other in the physical. Seeing him again just reminded me why I feel in love with him to begin with. I know we are connected and I need to stop doubting it and accept the connection for what it is. It has helped me more than anything ever has.

The only advise I can give is just focus on you and your journey. Accept you have a connection but don't worry about timing. If there really is a connection there the person will come back into your life eventually. My beloved said 1.5 year ago that he was NEVER coming home again and cut everyone who cared about him out of his life. Now he has opened up again and came home for visit. He is set to come home again this summer for another visit. Everyone has their own path to follow and everyone works on their own timeframe. Focus on yours :)
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