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Old 23-11-2010, 05:01 PM
Posts: n/a
Originally Posted by Silvergirl
That's ok, even if there were no mind control 'waves' or subliminal messages (which I think was proven that they exist looooong ago), there is still the simple matter of simple human psychology that is used to manipulate people.

You have to be living in a cave to think no manipulation is being done.

No argument on the psychology front, everytime you see a TV commercial its a psychological attempt to manipulate you into buying their service or products. The media is the same way, trying to steer public opunion about this or that a certain way.

But once aware of manipulation, it only really succeeds if you let it.

However on the waves and subliminal messages, if they were out there and being used on the populace, there are enough conspiracy theorists, and people who look for such things I am pretty sure it would have been discovered by now.

I hope I haven't offended anyone here BTW -- I am getting this sort of adversarial vibe from some of the replies here.
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