Thread: Old Souls
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Old 10-09-2006, 01:06 PM
Posts: n/a
Nice touch - - imageimaginer.


About the only thing that I would throw in there would be - - if you are dealing with someone who has lived "hundreds or even thousands of lives" - - you are dealing with an "infant" Soul rather than a "young" Soul.

We have "forever" to do this in. To discover - - Truth. Figuratively and literally.

Hundreds or thousands of lives - - in "forever" - - is nothing ! !

You tell me - - anyone - - how long does it take - - to get from perhaps just coming out of the animal world - - so basic as to barely even be able to take care of themselves - - and are probably living incredibly short lives in the alleys of India or the badlands of Africa / South America / wherever. How long would it take - - to get from that "level" - - to Ghandi ?? Or Jesus ?? Or the Buddha ?? Or Mother Teresa ??

Thru all the grubbing and the working and the slaving and the learning of ethics and morals and crime and such ?? Then into all the religions and the mystery schools and psychic stuff ?? Then - - farther still ??

How long would it take ??

People take lifetimes just to stop smoking ! ! Or drinking ! ! Or using drugs ! !

By the time someone is well based in morals and ethics - - and is living a rather clean and respectful life - - they are incredibly "old" ! ! And tho they might still have a ways to go - - they can at least hold their head up by then and claim - - "You know ?? I've done a pretty damn good job ! !"

There may still be struggles. LOTS of them. But they are probably not going to drop back and get involved in heavy crime or control over other people.

What imageimaginer says is true. You can often "feel" another old Soul. There is not the heavy, oppressive "power over" attitude exuding from such a person. There is more a simplicity and an understanding of and towards life. You can feel that. Not as an emotion. But as a "sense of - - ."

And by the time you are beginning to get these various "senses of - - " - - you are *ancient* ! !

hee hee hee