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Old 18-04-2013, 07:34 PM
Posts: n/a
A couple of past life experiences

When I go to a place that has large cliffs, forested area, and a
beach/ocean nearby, I always find myself with the overwhelming urge to
cry. I most often isolate myself from the rest of the people I’m with
until the trip is over. I never, ever enjoy trips to places like this.
I’d think that I would quite enjoy trips like those. I mean, I love
high places, I love the beach, and I love the forest. However, when I encounter them together, I can’t but want to leave and go back home.

The reason for this, as I’ve learned, is because in a past life, I
lost the battle for my life in an area as I described. I won’t go
deeply into detail due to the aforementioned reluctance to release too
much information. However, I know that whatever remains of that body
if anything, lies at the bottom of an ocean beside a cliff that bears
a forest. I remember also that it was raining, but no mental scar
seems to be sustained about the rain.

That life left me with many mental scars, most of which have trailed
off into this life even before I remembered why. For example, I’m very
mistrusting, and I never have shown trust. My personality, other than
the fact that I’ve matured a fair bit, hasn’t changed since I was a
child, though I’ve gained a few mental scars here and there from this
life. Other than that, essentially I’m the same person I was when I
was 6, only bigger.

As for details of the second past life I’d like to share, there’s not
much really to share. I was a simple housecat with a loving owner and
a high sense of adventure, as any cat does. I often slept by the wood
stove for warmth, which isn’t all too special. I think I had a red
collar too, with a little bell or a tag of some sort on it. I lived in
a wintery place, I don’t remember a time where there wasn’t snow- but
I don’t have too many memories from that life so it could simply be
that I remember winter best.

I went outside sometimes, though I never really left the yard.
Granted, it was a big yard. The house was pretty big and had an open
layout; I don’t think there could have been more than one or two rooms
that were closed off. Other than that, I would say I was just a cat
and did things that any normal cat does.

Thank you for reading my post, and since I've had trouble with topics
regarding spirits and my spirituality on the forum I’d like to ask
that if you have any opinions that’s great- but I’m not asking for
advice or council of any kind, nor am I asking for protection from my
“evil past life,” or anything to the like.

I’m simply sharing stories
which I hold dear to me, maybe not in the sense that I thoroughly
enjoy every aspect of them, but they’re important to me as my entire
spirituality is. Comments are welcomed, however, I don't much like
negativity on my posts unless you're sharing a similar experience,
thank you.

Also, I apologize for the weird positioning of the post.
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