Thread: Empath
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Old 07-04-2013, 01:45 AM
Gem Gem is offline
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Originally Posted by Belle
I think this might be the right place to put it, it seems to go hand in glove with lightworker.

So, I am unravelling the possibility that I am empathic, in quite a profound way. I am noticing that group sessions leave me in a bad place- the last few group work / meditations / yoga that I have done - whilst others leave floating on a cloud, I am down down down. And sometimes, conversations with people, it could be benign but I am strangely sucked down and I don't know why. And I don't understand my response, I don't understand my behaviours, except it overwhelms me.

And the other side of the coin, the yin with the yang, the light and the shadow, so light work brings shadow work.

And so I'm learning as I carry out my daily life, how as lightworker - just in existence a lot of the time - how do you deal with being the magnet for so much dark shadow that is snuck out to you, not necessarily with bad intent to hurt but just because people want to offload their shadow energies? How to protect the self, how to rid the self of other energies, how to recognise what is yours and what is someone else's rubbish?

At the moment, my very own hostility towards myself is very very happy to condemn myself for being so childish etc, but this is actually too simplistic.

The more recent "empath attacks" are getting more intense as my empath says "wake up and sort this out" and so I'm keen to learn and hear the wisdom of those who have gone before me.

Maybe group work isn't your thang, I guess it depends if you feel it's beneficial or not.

I think everyone has different reactions to different people, and some can be uplifting and some can be a real drain. It's very common.

I generally try to remain aware of how I'm reacting to others... people can 'get to me' and that happens to everyone I think... we have to take care of ourselves.

I'm just saying what I think, it's not wisdom or anything. I think you're a kind and sensitive person and can just be as you are.
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