Thread: Empath
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Old 06-04-2013, 11:12 PM
TruthJunkie TruthJunkie is offline
Join Date: Mar 2013
Posts: 182
(please navigate this as you see fit)

this is really a lesson in non attachment. as long as the earth has spun her cycle energies have come and gone in a variety of expressions between one or more entities. there is no real way to stop the flow of energy however you can practice non attachment with the various states that arise as a result of being present during energetic exchange. the body is what has the most difficult time with foreign energy. the nervous system is affected. meditation is an effective tool to deal with anxieties in the body. practicing non attachment is an interesting exercise because it is typically the polar opposite of an empath and we are all programmed more or less to respond to our circumstance and environment. non attachment is a decision to relinquish control over the source energy and the response(s) that arise as a result of the exchange. this does not imply that personal control is surrendered but rather the effects of the stimuli and corresponding response on the psyche.

the body must be given proper attention to displace stresses that arise as a result of energetic exchange. one may be not attached to a particular event but the charge will often remain and sometimes unconsciously. daily and on demand practice is best.

so simple it takes a lifetime to master. :)

The more recent "empath attacks" are getting more intense as my empath says "wake up and sort this out"

how do you experience this? how does it enter the senses and mind?
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