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Old 04-04-2013, 07:59 AM
Posts: n/a
Originally Posted by Amilius777
I am so glad I live a life where it's just me and my Source (Father/Mother).

Avatars, God-men, Messiahs, Prophets can all go home.

Besides isn't Saytha Sai Baba the one who lived in royal palaces, has hundreds of sex scandals, corruption, and murder surrounding his life?

I don't remember Jesus living in palaces and being the head of anything, nor claiming to be an avatar. I don't see it in Buddha, Mother Theresa, or Saint Francis.

Weird. Maybe Saytha Sai Baba is just the greatest of them all

Sathya Sai Baba didn't live in a royal palace in a manner such as say, a king or the Catholic pope. Living in a "palace" doesn't have anything in itself to do with one's message and living example... There were only few who made such negative claims about him, not "hundreds," and these claims and scandals do not obscure the fact that he has tremendously helped India and the world through many decades of compassionate service to humanity, helping raise over three billion dollars worth of charities. His "palace" was/is home to many, from many walks of life, and he didn't keep any of the money that he raised for himself.

In the case of Jesus, although he never actually claimed himself an avatar in the egoic sense that some spiritual teachers do--as you know, most people who claim to believe in him put him in such a special category, believing him to be "the" sole Son of God, as well as God in manifest form, the same basic definition of "avatar" that the avatar-worshippers use.

I am so glad I live a life where it's just me and my Source (Father/Mother).

Excellent attitude, my friend. Indeed, each "me" is a wave in the Infinite Ocean of God-Source.
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