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Old 04-04-2013, 07:32 AM
Posts: n/a
Originally Posted by Miss Hepburn
Sooo, you used to follow Sai Baba or a close personal 'friend' did?

I only wanted to say I thought the 'preaching a philosophy of hatred' was
strong...but whatdoi know...

I have long resonated positively with Sathya Sai Baba, but I was/am not a "follower" of his in a traditional sense, although I AM a follower of the Divine Truth that he represents.

Yes, true, it was intended as a strong statement, in the same vein that the "voice" in A Course in Miracles gives similar strong statements about the games of the ego. For those who receptive enough to perceive it, the philosophy of separation preached by "avatar-worshippers" that I specifically speak of is a negative philosophy. However, I am not saying that this is the only philosophy they believe in, for I recognize that they also believe in love as well, which is essentially why they are drawn to such loving examples as Jesus and Sai Baba. I referred specifically to the caste/hierarchical beliefs such people have of strongly separating certain "special" avatars from "mere mortals"--that negative philosophy--as being hate-based, fear-based, which it obviously is from an enlightened viewpoint. It was a strong statement, and its strength comes from the Holy Spirit.

...but whatdoi know...

You are Pure Divine Knowledge Itself.
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