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Old 20-11-2010, 07:20 PM
Posts: n/a
Originally Posted by LightFilledHeart
The core of Christianity—the worship of a miracle working, walking, talking godman who brings salvation—was also the core of other ancient religions that began at least a thousand years before Jesus.

Yes! And if you look deeper you'll also find that virtually every religion with an avatar at its core has a whole host of the exact same attributes...! These avatars must all be born of a virgin or exhibit some form of divine birth. They take on their mission at the age of 30. They are all sacrificed at the age of 33. They all rise from the dead to ascend into some sort of heavenly realms.

I wrote a detailed reply and your forum software ate it. So let me just say this is *factually* wrong, and let you do your own investigation. Always check whether the person making the claim specifies who, and gives an ancient reference for each and every claim. If not... treat it as tripe.

All the best,

Roger Pearse
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