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Old 05-03-2013, 02:15 PM
Posts: n/a
Originally Posted by LadyImpreza1111
It's the best feeling, isn't it? People used to say I should be a psychologist or something because I always like to advise people but I honestly don't feel I need to go back and get a degree because I've become almost like a spiritual advisor, not just on this forum, but with the spirits I talk to. There is no feeling like it in the world.

You are wise to continue on as you are...! We each have within us all the tools that we need in order to aid and assist others where we can. For many those tools remain latent... but they need not be... I spent 8 years on the road back in my younger years, and have built on that experience since. I always thought that instead of a person spending 4+ years at a collage they really need to be tossed a backpack and spend that 4 years getting to know people first hand. Spontaneously appearing in peoples homes, of all ages, of all races, of all sexual preferences, homes with and without children, homes of both high and low income, riding alongside of people of rich diverse backgrounds and belief structure's.... do this for that same four years instead, and we have something.... going to school and simply learning about clinical thinking, as regurgitated by those removed intellectually/emotionally from the human flow, is not only unhelpful but it robs us of our intuitive connectivity.
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