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Old 27-02-2013, 03:43 PM
Posts: n/a
Originally Posted by in progress
I just read an article about putting a few drops of 3% hydrogen peroxide in your ear, wait ten minutes then do the other ear.

I bought a gallon of 35% food grade hydrogen peroxide about 6 months ago... pretty heady stuff, the 35% needs to be handled carefully... I have to mix it with distilled water to take it down to a 3% solution (one ounce of 35% HP to eleven ounces of distilled water)... the difference with food grade is that it's essentially pure... at least pure enough for use in the processing of foods. The stuff sold in dept stores has unlisted chemical stabilizers that complicates its use, they say for external use only, and to be used as a mouth wash, and I do so when food grade isn't immediately available... but even something externally applied still ends up in our body do to our bodies porous nature.

I've used Hydrogen Peroxide the same way that chevy flame and in progress are using it... I also use it daily for dental care (about 2 tablespoons of 3% added in the hopper of my water pic)....
For years I had a hard time hearing out of my left ear, I thought this was due to my lengthy time working construction around loud tools. About three months ago I gave my ear a good soaking with HP and then used the ear syringe to stir it up a bunch (watch out for that one, can really make you feel sick to the stomach if pursued too aggressively, not from the HP but from the back and forth pressure from the use of the ear syringe... it took about 15 minutes for the vomiting feeling to pass) as a result a bunch of wax poured out, and for the first time in about 15 years my hearing has returned to normal! I now hear the same out of both ears... pretty cool! :^)
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