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Old 19-11-2010, 06:48 AM
captain kirk
Posts: n/a
Originally Posted by soberbrilo

i have telepathic abilities & i do not want it. it is ruining my life & i cant take it anymore. there is always a constant pressure pushing against my forehead, not like a physical headache pressure but more in terms of a mental energy pressure pushing against my forehead. i feel it constantly nearly 95% of the time. i never asked for this ability to be relized or whatever the term may be, i like to say brought upon without my own permission. thats what really gets me. i never even tried to develop it nor did i ever want it in the first place. i have been told that i am extra energy sensitive.

so basically i would like to know if there is ANYTHING i can do to make this telepathy STOP? i cant take it anymore i am constantly sending and receiving thoughts and i am not too particuarly fond of people invading my privacy of my mind as well as me invading the privacy of other people's mind. i do not agree with it. i just would like to know how to get rid of it. i am desperate. i thought about seeing if there is any good magick or rituals that i can do to get rid of it but i dont know if there are. i am desperatly grasping for an answer of which i cannot find.

so PLEASE someone anybody anyone at all who can direct me as to how to shut it off permenently i would gratfully appreciate it.
nor did i ask for it.

I have felt exactly the same way for years. Admittedly I played with it some but not for any greater good, I know realize. I see no advantage in it. I feel violated just like you. I have panic attacks when I think people are reading my thoughts and feelings. I don't know if I can help you, because I'm basically just like you. If you do want to share with someone who knows what your going through ---- [email protected]
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