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Old 25-02-2013, 02:11 AM
Raven Poet
Posts: n/a
Hi, everyone. Wow, what a beautiful thread! I am sorry, I don't mean to hijack this thread, but I just had to leave some messages for all of you.

Pinkroses, thank you! thank you for being the OP of this important question and exploration.

Native Spirit - I felt sad when I read it's been 7 years that your husband crossed over and you haven't seen him, just felt him. Yet I am glad that you feel him - that must be so comforting, especially when you were so ill.

Lady Terra: your story made me tear up. What a beautiful experience, to be there, touching your beloved's heart, with his children at his side, when he crossed over. I wish I was with my Dad when he crossed over - but he went quickly after 5 months hospitalized illness and I do not begrudge him waiting any longer cuz I know he needed to go. Also that you spoke to paying attention to synchronicities and not the "visions" and the "dreams" - I will do this for watch for a message from my beloved Dad!

And Tobi, you shared wonderful healing wisdom talking about the need to do our grief processing/healing work and raise our vibrations to meet our crossed over loved ones half way. And the line, "there is a good reason ... and a loving reason" for an absence of contact - just fed my soul! Thank you!

Dave sonsaleagain: I am so sorry for the loss of your girlfriend. I wish you much comfort and warmth in your grieving and healing from this sad loss.

Thank you everyone - I was going to post a thread about "why hasn't my Dad contacted me, or why can't I contact him?" But this thread answered my question. So again, I mean no hijacking harm - I just had to say thank you, I feel much comforted!
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