Thread: High vibrations
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Old 22-02-2013, 09:53 PM
Tobi Tobi is offline
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Originally Posted by Belle
The emphasis on raising the vibration is causing a deep imbalance in the energetic field with the astro and the earth plane. The earth plane is in a state of fragility with many issues, pollution, misuse, disrespect, greed - but one factor that is not generally considered is how the mother earth loves to embrace the human and that is the design, and the flow of the energy from the earth to the human is being lost with the increase to the higher vibrations.

Furthermore, the energy in the "high vibrational field" is not being fed from the mother earth, nor is it being fed from the human and so the energetic is becoming thin and tenuous, and it is getting further and further away. This in itself creates an excitement in the human field as they realise the sacred nature of "high vibrational planes" and the desire to reach that state becomes greater and greater.

But rather than seek to bring the high vibrational plane to the earth by a healthy and pure regard to the earth plane, and also ensure the balance of the earth energy with the high vibration, the human excitment, pressure, conformity, competition and greed - it is taken higher and higher.

Be wary, the high vibrations are like the oxygen level at the peak of a mountain and they won't sustain you if they are not sifted and mingled wiht the purity of intent with mother earth. The relationship between these two is not understood and not examined by the humans and the natural order is being lost. The earth rages with a fury as the surplus energy that it holds is turned in on itself - and yes indeed a component of global warming is the movement of humans towards higher vibrations. And the higher vibrations are being depleted.

THe movement is required to bring the high vibrations that you chase to the heart centre and not the head centre, and mingle the earth energy in the heart centre and allow this very point in your core to become the focus.

Cease the activity to raise the vibrational field that you are functioning in and start the activity to stabilise the vibrational field. Without stability, there is no growth. Without the stability, there will be the shift away of the high vibrations and you will not be able to find them, and the earth will not be able to support you. Without stability, there is no development and expansion.

Seek to do this with integrity and respect for the energy of mother earth and the causal with which you work. Honour them that they may honour you. Serve them and they will serve you. Feed off them and use them, and you will simply feed off them til there is no more for the you.

Bring back the energies to the balance.

I'm not deliberately contradicting these findings, but one of the highest vibrations we can achieve is the one prevalent in the very high astral state, which is unconditional love and compassion. Now anyone who resonates with these particular qualities are NOT going to have "their heads in the clouds" and not care about Earth issues, or compassionate issues, plus to achieve these vibrational states, and hold on to them, and live them, would need some strength of character, and/or a level of spiritual evolution. These are going to be caring humans. And likely, humans who can help to achieve the balance so needed by use of other skills they have learned on their evolutionary journey.
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