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Old 22-02-2013, 05:46 PM
Posts: n/a
Originally Posted by Spirit Guide Sparrow
Dear Justin,
Salutations of love and light.

To verify the veracity of spirit communication you would wish to ask questions which you would normally not be able to answer yourself through your own conscious memory of experience or learned source (books). You would seek an answer which could not be formulated in accuracy from your own mind, but would have to come from an external perspective and source of experience you have not had. The question you pose must be adequate to facilitate an answer in return which can be verified by other people or professional sources in the field of which you are inquiring.

If the spirit that you are channelling is up to the task, then they may be able to provide information and the medium would not be required to muggle around trying to come up with an idea. E.g. Silver Birch and Barbanell.

If they are not, finding something that you are not conscious is a nigh impossible task since you (and me and all of us) are not in control of everything we have that is or has been conscious and presently memorable.

So, if you are asking a question about space, you would ask something which could be verified by an existing reliable source such as NASA, or other space research facility.

Stay away from anything that can be found on Google or other search engines...for obvious reasons.

Or more simply done, have another person sit with you during your channelling and ask your spirit source something about that person which only that person could verify. This may come in the form of words, of visions or of sensations in your own physical organism.

This could be misconstrued, or actually could be a form of psi or as ESP. Your sitter would need to be well vetted and then they could be dishonest or inaccurate and how would you know?

You will also wish to look out for synchronicities and other signs of verification. You may ask for example, a sign or synchronicity to be placed before you in your day ahead which cannot easily be dismissed or interpreted as your own energy doing it. For example, if you are channelling a loved one, ask them to place something in front of you during your day which holds significant personal meaning to do with that spirit or their physical life.

Make certain it is very uncommon; not a penny on the floor or a photograph which falls over.

Do not make it too difficult for them by requesting to hear their favourite song, or something difficult to facilitate in such short notice. Ask for a sign, but be passive in your approach of your day when expecting it. Do not go looking for it at every turn, just allow it to capture your attention by itself in its own way.

Who knows what is difficult or not for a spirit? Each has their own capabilities and assistance in communicating with the earthly realm.

Understand, just because you may appear to be channelling a spirit, and that may seem very genuine, it is not to say they are contacting you from the higher realms of love and light within the halls of information; for they may actually be Earthbound - which they presume from their perspective is what the spirit world is.

This could be problematic. Rescue teams are often in contact with earthbound and lower realm spirits, certainly some those spirits know that their rescuers are not from their realm. Since that is exactly what the rescues spirits are telling them.

They may actually be a life form from your own universe, or one parallel in the same physical space, but interact with you as if they are from the spirit world - when it is simply you cannot perceive them. Just because you cannot see something, do not immediately presume the source to be from the spirit world of love and light. No genuine spirit in the spirit realm of love and light will ever claim some grand persona of distinction or power, and will never claim to be an ascended master or any such hierarchical status; for in the planes of light there is no need for such distinctions. In fact they cannot exist there for one dissolves such attitudes of mind and personal ego before they can access true wisdom and One-ness.

Then you would say that Mikey is inaccurate?

Google "Carol and Mikey" - Afterlife forums owned by Roberta Grimes (sorry can't post URLs yet as a newbie.

Mikey claims to be a "sixth realm being" and Carol, his mother, communicates with him via pendulum mediumship. There is also a YouTube of the mediumship.

Do not be afraid to ask your channelled source for verification, they are already aware and prepared that you will ask this. In fact they will often be enthusiastic to facilitate some form of proof of an afterlife for you, which would then relieve some of your own fears in the process.


If they aren't, then you got a set of real problems to deal with.

I'm not intentionally attempting to rain on anyone's parade but spirit identification is an extremely tricky business. It is my belief that the spirit in a channelled mediumship should be held responsible for spirit identification beyond any doubt. Not the medium, his sitters or others.

This is not Independent DV; it is DV and DV spirit channelling is fraught with issues that IMO only the channelled Etherian, if they are one, can resolve.
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