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Old 04-02-2013, 03:32 PM
Posts: n/a
This is something those who are taught well in meditation come to realize quite quickly; Each thought that comes from your mind doesn't necessarily come from an innate youness, or a higher power of any kind. Often, thoughts are the result of a seed of thought being placed in our mind and having the space and nutrients to grow into a manifesting visualization or thought.

It is very easy to put doubt into the relationship of others, even those who seem most secure. This is because all you need for a thought to arise is analogous to a flower.

You need the seed, the nutrients and the sun.
In this analogy, the sun is our mind's activity. The nutrients are our beliefs and attitudes. The seed is a small idea.

Visions are always budding and wilting. When a good practicing meditator encounters a thought in his/her mind, the reaction is one similar to how we would encounter a flower in nature. You look, but don't feel involved - you're neither involved in it's process nor necessary. It may be ugly, or beautiful. He/she will feel a comfortable level of detachment toward it, and admire it for it's presence as an act of the greater nature which pervades all things in this universe.

To meditate is to be a gardener of the mind, it is an art form. To root up the negative influences, protect the flowers from parasitic attitudes and keep it habitable and clean for your universe to dwell and grow within.

So. My advice is not to look into the details of a vision, you could find meaning in anything if you looked hard enough. Instead, if your plan is to help your mind - learn to observe the garden and it's manifestations without judgement. This alone will cause fertilization of the good seeds, and uprooting of the negative ones.

Meditation is priceless to those of us who's minds have overgrown with the decays of a mind left desolate by our lack of internal observation. It should be done with as least prejudice as possible. I also have suffered from anxiety, depression as well as intrusive thoughts and frequent paranoia (assuming things are being done out of malice or as an attempt to 'defeat' me). Saying that, it is only part of what's needed if you genuinely wish to have a healthy and truly free mind. You also need to make sure you have the things that humans need, at least at first.

Sangha, any community of people who are honest, and genuinely wish to help you get better (in all ways).

Exercise, it unlocks a full experience of full body joy which you can then augment with meditation.

to give Compassion and Love. Without giving and living these, happiness will only ever be an imitation of happiness. These things ARE happiness.

Last edited by arrive-becomer : 04-02-2013 at 05:49 PM.
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