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Old 16-11-2010, 08:10 AM
Honza Honza is offline
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Originally Posted by pre-dawn
I don't think so.
From their perspective the claim to have the only true truth is essential, and it is for us too.
Others may have some of the truth, but having some of the truth only is as useful as being partly alive. Every person needs to be fully alive, and know the total truth.

If each religion holds the full truth what would the distinguishing features be? Why would one chose one over the other?

To 'equalise' all religions as in them agreeing that they all have the full truth would have serious consequences in terms of stunting personal and spiritual growth. It would be 10 steps backwards.

Every religion has aspects which are difficult or incomprehensible to us. If they are all the same I will simply move on to one which looks the most comfortable to me, and then to the next one, and the next one, etc.
In terms of personal development this is a recipe for a disaster.

Interfaith is a good device to keep the excesses at bay. We should leave it at that. Be nice and civilized with each other, but admitting that you have an equal measure of truth, no way!

That is quite a radical and totally politically incorrect point of view!

The Humility, the Pride and the Humiliation.
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