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Old 16-11-2010, 02:42 AM
Posts: n/a
Originally Posted by Anima
I wanted to open the discussion on birth control pills since I started using them a few days ago because of the period pain which would make me end up on ER every month. I don't like using any pills, but I am desperate and my gynocologist said that that's the only thing that would help.

I am suffering from gastritis, inflammation of intestines, gallbladder "sand", and depression (not taking any pills for the conditions), and I am slightly overweight, so I have to be extra cautious on them. My doctor prescribed Yaz, and upon reading the horror stories online on Yasmine and Yaz because of the special progesterone drospirenone only they contain, I am wondering if I should change the brand. So far it makes me feel really out of sorts on all levels. Disconnected somehow. It's hard to tell the symptoms apart from my usual daily pain, but I think I am experiencing foggy headache, numbness, tingles and shakes of body, short stabbing pain in random body parts, especially joints. I decided to give it a bit more time to see if my body adjusts, but I am not liking it so far.

I know people act individually to pills, but here are some general questions:

How do they effect you physically, mentally and spiritually? Short term, long term?

Are there some that were really bad for you, and some that worked well? Which types would you recommend?


I've tried some birth control pills for period, depression, and acne as well as hormone issues and I found they had a bad effect on me, IDK if they were effective against me getting pregnant since I'm virgin but when I do start having sex I'll probably use an IUD or Depo provera shot. It sounds like to me if you are going to use pills for your pains, bc isn't the way to go. I'm not a medical expert but I don't think bc is effective against stomach problem. If you hate taking pills try alternative ways and medicines.

But personally, I'm not against holistic minded people using bc pills because if you aren't ready for children but desire to have sex and have the offers available to you, than the rythm method is your most natural option and it's not very foolproof, so in this case, some type of pharmasceutical birth control is best.
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