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Old 19-01-2013, 05:03 PM
lovetruth lovetruth is offline
Join Date: Nov 2011
Posts: 599
Dear ones, to overcome the worldly is the goal of life. To set aside with knowledge, all those things that hinder and hold back the soul, to see truly, is the divine

wealth of humanity. You can search many lives, but if you do not apply the lessons to your own life, you are not taking seriously what has been but before you to

accomplish. One must first face the tyranny within, with an eye of honesty and dismantle that tyranny with loving grace. If one holds onto any part of this false self,

then it will continually make an appearance in life and in your dreams, to remind you of what you are not seeing clearly. Therefore, do not be forgetful of your duty to

self in overcoming. All situations are but new opportunities to look deeper into yourself and discover what is yet undone. Cleansing the soul takes great patience and

honesty for it is the true work that loosens the fetters. I remind you, dear ones, not to become complacent and feel all of your work is done. One is ever reminded of

what the next step is, and then your inner work expands. When one has thoroughly cleansed the inner realms, then you are opened to hold greater love, and

compassion. These then become your tools for expanding and extending that love and compassion to the world around you. When you have reached this point,you will

know, dear ones, because you will want to be of service to others in whatever special way is unique to you. There is nothing greater then the one who is genuine in

these loving feelings for mankind, because one finally understands the oneness of all being. This does not mean that you push your wisdom on another, it simply means

you live that wisdom, you express that love and compassion in every moment. It will become habit and you will feel joy spilling from your heart as you live that goodwill

and peace. The life you live is just the setting for this expansion and it is not the accumulation of the worldly that will sustain you. When your heart is clear and

expansive, holding love, life will no longer hold you. You will be released on many levels and a great trust will enter your being as you realize that the eternal has always

been your supply. There is an element of trust that must be felt in this dear ones. Trust that all is forever good and caring and believe it until it unfolds in your life. Do

you still believe that life is a struggle? You must change your perspective and then your outer life will change and you will be happy with what you already have.

Abundance flows from within, it is the inner abundance that touches the heart and what is true and real, becomes your goal. You see dear ones, so many approach life

backward and appeal to the outside; this brings such harsh lessons. Delve into the deep pool within, and heal those places that trap, then you will awaken one day to

a new world filled with love and splendor. It is up to each of you, and we are most certain of the outcome. Babaji
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