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Old 15-11-2010, 09:27 AM
psychoslice psychoslice is offline
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Originally Posted by Summerland
Oddly enough, that pain of childbirth seems to fade very quickly for most women,Robbie.. we can remember all the gory details, but not the actual pain. I had a serious accident with fire when I was 15. To this day, if I am splashed with hot grease, all that agony comes flooding back.
So perhaps reincarnation is similar; when we get to the other side, the pain is not as horrid or as real.
Personally for me, it would be okay if I didn't come back. However I do not like the idea of undinished business and would rather get it all sorted out and in balance.
Yes you don't have to come back to do that, you can finish it all in this life by just Realizing your true SELF, the jig will then be up, the ego will be caught out. I hope to see you there, I'll be waiting and I'll give you a big Cosmic hug.
A belief system is nothing but poison to your capacity to understand. Good words are used to hide ugly things. – Osho
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