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Old 17-01-2013, 02:40 AM
Fresco Fresco is offline
Join Date: Oct 2010
Posts: 340
Originally Posted by IsleWalker

I totally agree with your post. What's the point of a Ground Hog's Day life--over and over again? (Like deja vu all over again!)

Except its not the same thing again for everyone. The current reincarnation theory says that its your choice whether you wanna come back as looking the same (or similar), or looking completely different

Originally Posted by IsleWalker
But Fresco, who says they are come back as someone else? Who can possibly prove that? I think it's one thing for an individual to have some ideas about their own reincarnation (which probably can't be proven to anyone else anyway), but about another person?? Who of us claims to know the reincarnation of others? There are psychics who claim to, to read the Akashic records. And, even with those people, they talk about women coming back as men, as different nationalities, etc.--not as a Doppelganger of themselves!

Where did this idea come from? How do they attempt to "prove" or even explain the rationale?

Lora, I cant prove anything. I can't even prove there's life after death. All these forums can do is have people post their opinions on whats true and not true. But they are just that, opinions. And they might be right, or they might be wrong.

I guess we'll find out when we die
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