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Old 15-11-2010, 03:00 AM
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Originally Posted by Lynn

Why do we seek to come back if we know that life might be one of hardship and in the end death again ?

If the Soul truly holds memory as many of us feel it does then WHY does it choose to come back over and over again. Many of us have hard lives faced with physical and mental at times hardships. We too at times have a life of great loss around us. Personal struggles or living condition struggles. YET our Soul comes forth again and again.

One can say its on that path of learning to become enlightened but what does that path truly mean ? Enlightened to what ? To be what ?


i remember the time right before i was born and i did not want to be born because i knew it would suck, it was a will other than my own from which i was i am making the most of it. the first 40 years pretty much sucked most of the time, its my goal to make the last 20 good.
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