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Old 14-11-2010, 09:34 PM
Anima Anima is offline
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Update: I am still rather ill, but I'm feeling slightly better. At least I don't feel like I am not myself anymore. I started taking Primrose Oil pill therapy which is supposed to help with all the things pill usually help with - acne, PMS, menstural pain - only without the contraceptive effect. It's funny how many non-hormonal therapies you find once you actually look for them. I am very hopeful. I came to a conclusion that messing with your hormones if they are normal is something to avoid at all cost.

Originally Posted by earthprowler
i was on the ortho-trycyclin for at least 12 years. i never had any problems what so ever. it cleared up my complexion, helped with weight control and regularity, i could tell you to the hour and day of when i was going to start like clockwork. the things I've heard about that Yaz scares the beejeeses out of me! good lord!

No kidding. I joined a "survivor forum" and there are lots of people like me that only used it for a few days and have the exact same problems, even if they were perfect health-wise previously.

Originally Posted by iolite
You should read up on iodine. Iodine receptors are found in every part of the body, including the reproductive organs, not just the thyroid. Painful periods, heavy periods with clots are a sign of iodine deficiency. Do you have FBD (fibrocystic breast disease)? That is another sign of iodine deficiency. Some links for more information:
Dr. David Brownstein "Iodine, Why you need it, Why you can't live without it" (amazon has it)

When you are deficient in iodine, other lighter halides like bromide and flouride can attach themselves to the iodine receptors causing many health issues. Detoxing out the bromides and becoming iodinated will help restore balance to your hormones and make your periods lighter and easier.

Thanks for the info, iolite, I will definitely look into it.

Originally Posted by Lostgirl
It can take up to three months for the entire mediation out of your system. It can also take up to 6 weeks for your periods to start again let alone become regular. WHat you described was a panic attack and nothing to do with the pill so i wouldnt worry. It couldnt cause that to happen (if you are really worried the doctor is the person to ask). I will say that if you already suffer with depression then going on the pill will certainly not help as they can cause depression. One of the pills i have been on (and there have been a few if you read my previous post) caused my depression to go all over the place. It made my relationship more difficult because i was so depressed (and the fact my ex was a *insert explecitive here* ). I would just advise be really aware of your emotional state and take note of things that are out of the ordinary. For me i know mine is getting bad when i stop singing....i know that sounds crazy but when im happy and ok i will sing all the time whether there is music or not, but when my depression is getting the better of me it stops. I hope this helps a bit.

Actually, I read stories of other people who were using Yaz/Yasmine, and it seems panic attack during the use or withdrawal are very common, even in the cases where the person wasn't prone to depression. But yeah, thanks for your advices, Lostgirl. Music thing is true for me too. When I am happy, I annoy the hell out of people by singing all the time, hehe.

"Love is what we're born with. Fear is what we've learned here. The spiritual journey is the unlearning of fear and the acceptance of love back into our hearts"
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