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Old 08-01-2013, 04:21 PM
JOHNTY JOHNTY is offline
Join Date: Feb 2012
Location: England
Posts: 489
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Greetings to you All,

Please forgive my ignorance concerning 'crystals', it's a 99.9% new world to me. So here is an ignoramus' question:

If we are born here on dear ol' Planet Earth as part of our learning of how to conquer the physicalness of our thrid dimension and eventually to become Masters of it then, how come you are using crystals for protection against negative forces instead of teaching yourself how to do the self same thing by using the God given spiritual powers that lie hidden within each and everyone of us and are waiting to be discovered and used - after all, we never hear of Masters wandering the ethers with chunks of assorted crystals in the pockets of their celestial robes, do we?

No offence intended by this question. I'm just curious to know why people have this love affair with crystals.
Much Love, Light and Laughter to you All

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