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Old 14-12-2012, 05:14 PM
Posts: n/a
:) I just took Carol Look's online tapping seminar for anti procratination. I know JUST what yr talking about: the more the anxiety builds, the more it can freeze the system.

She was very helpful in talking about procrastination as a mechanism protecting us from various issues, either the stress of actually doing xyz and being JUDGED on the results, or the rebellion against being required to do something "You're not the boss of me" toddler syndrome, which I have at the moment.

Just one example: I am about a month late on paying my Union Dues which will cost me $40 dollars. Since I took the seminar, I have figured out that I am very angry at them for several failures to protect its workers in various situations, and also for a stoopid accounting screw up some nasty lady did on my account. I'm so mad at them, in fact, that I have yet to tap on the situation, altho the seminar was last Thursday. So now I'm procrastinating on tapping too!

But in my family, anger wasn't allowed to surface, which is why it is better in my unconcsioucs mind just to bury the whole mess and cough up the $40 I guess. Stooopid I know but... thank God for Tapping! Am pretty sure am going to get to it today though because am getting kind of sick of dealing with it...
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