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Old 14-12-2012, 04:11 AM
Posts: n/a
Originally Posted by healthyeater1
I am new to this forum and am excited about finding it! I am familiar with EFT for a number of years but haven't any huge success with it. Having said that, I often feel greater energy and vitality after a few rounds of tapping but the feeling doesn't last!
No, it wouldn't unless you actually resolve a fixation and maybe not even then.

One of my problems with it is that I feel I almost have to be a detective trying to find issues and aspects. I have a problem with procrastination and the more urgent something is to get done, the more overwhelmed and stuck I become.
Clear any negative emotions which are demotivating you.

I would love if anybody could give me a statement that removes blockages, e.g. I was thinking of something like 'Even though I have blocked energy, I choose to release it and have my energy move freely'
It takes quite a pressure of energy to shift the sludge which holds the issue in place. That's why you need to focus on the part of the aura where the issue is held.

Good job in asking questions. Most people learning EFT do it wrong and just assume it's nonsense.
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