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Old 13-12-2012, 03:18 PM
Louisa Louisa is offline
Join Date: Jan 2012
Posts: 1,850
I really like all of your thoughts. There is much to think about, but I guess in the end, just living like I'm dying and dying like I'm living, maybe - they're all a continuum anyway. I'm feeling braver about death now, even though I don't know what it holds, but I guess I'll just try to flow along in life, and be myself - no one else to be anyway. The changing me, the transforming me, or the stagnating me and I can only change what I can see how to change and then just be the best I can anyway, if I can. Or something like that.

But I think I am going to try affirmations, meditation, devotions, something that hope can keep me on a course of advancement and some degree of clarity, hopefully increasing clarity. With the little time and resources available. It's all in the eyes and the hands of the experiencer and one's unique perspective anyway.
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