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Old 12-12-2012, 05:44 PM
Posts: n/a
Greetings Louisa:

Originally Posted by Louisa
How does one meet death bravely and with a heart of peace, even if they have no real, solid beliefs of a beneficial afterlife?

At various times, death has weighed heavily on my mind and I have been faced with my own potential death a few years ago. When that happened, I found that at first I was terrified of a bad reincarnation or hellish realm (I don't think I can really believe in a permanent hell). Then I tuned away from all my fears and ran from the thought of my death at all, including avoiding facing the medical situation, until it resolved itself and the coast was clear. It was too much for me to face, on top of all the stress and fear of death, but gratefully I was okay. When the time comes that I actually will die, I want to be able to face it with less fear and running away.

Even though I don't confidently believe in Hell realms (except, obviously, quite hellish lives I see here on earth) and reincarnation, I firmly believe in spirits and other realms, because of direct experiences I have had. But I can't shake my fear that there is something I am supposed to do, before I die, which may prevent a terrible rebirth.

Its not that I think I've been an awful person, but that my soul might be more tarnished than I realize, in spite of exterior signs, so I might be up for a bad rebirth next time around, due to past karma (and the karma of intentions and thoughts and "sins" I've done in this life which might be worse than they seem, to myself or outside observers). Even though I don't firmly believe in Hell or reincarnation, the possibility weighs so heavily on me.

I don't have any firm beliefs on these things and I will not adopt a belief unless I have some experience to back it up, so how do you think would be the best way to philosophically, psychologically, and/or emotionally deal with death, and the fears, terrors, and denial and escapism they tend to evoke in me, when the time comes? I want to prepare now so that when the time comes I will be ready. I have thought if I could die in a beautiful natural environment, conscious of my surroundings (even if in great pain), maybe I could be at greater peace and harmony and therefore somehow go to a better realm. I do fear that perhaps I will die young (I'm now 30), because I keep having dreams that suggest that to me, but it could be my subconscious mind creating the dreams to help me face my fears. I don't know. Well, any ideas?

You are already doing what you came here to do and that is raising your very special Daughter in an open and loving way--
if more is required of you--it will happen quickly and be very apparent.

You will be drawn into the situation (like a moth to a flame) and you will rise to the ocassion with a grace and force that would be unequaled by any other. You cannot plan fate--whatever is destined will be.

Although death is axiomatic--it is not something that occupies my thought process. I live every day to the best of my ability and know with total faith that what is meant to be will be and I will face it as best I can.

"All will be well and all manner of things will be well..."

Peace and Love on the path of your choice...

Blessed be...
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