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Old 12-12-2012, 03:47 PM
Lynn Lynn is offline
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Are we no matter how spiritual ready for that last breath in we take where there is no out breath to follow. I have to wonder, we so enjoy the physical part of life even if it be a huge struggle to even breath at times but breath we do. Why ?

I have seen some so struggle along and I so wonder on why that stuggle has to be there for them but I know well its simply that path of learning and growth in this time on the Earth. That we have to experience it all to finally get to that final place of what one might call enlighenment.

Being that I can see and talk to what one's call the 'dead' I know well there is no death there is a leaving of the body and in that there is a transformation of form and space and time, but we do carry on. Its hard to leave other's behind most times is what I find.

I remember when that Vancouver Olympics was on, when that sledder died in his practice run. Me Son coming to me and telling me of him, of what happened and how they so worked on him but he was 'gone' already and asking me why. Why do they keep working on someone when ye can clearly "see" they are gone. I was like see they are gone, goes to me yes he is right here, saying he is coming back in right away. I was stunned. I had the TV on and there the story was, but me Son was not near the TV to see it.

The message was for his Dad it seems, that he had to embrace that we do not die that we come back again, so that when Dad's time came he would get what happens. LOL I doubt he does beleive in more after we die.

We many times begin life with the teachings of our parents beleifs put forth to us and we try our best at times to follow along. I remember hearing the if your bad your damed to to the Fires of the Pit. As I grew up and learned more about what was out there I would look at those so called holy people around me and go well if they go up, I would rather go down as the people that are not so holy seemed to have more fun.

I had a NDE so I now accept that the next time I might well go all the way, will I fight in the end who knows. I would hope to face that crossing in peace but til one is there who knows.

I do know in holding the hand of one that is taking that last breath in, that for some there is a peace that comes over them like a finally I am whole, for other's its an I am not ready to go but go I must. Its not waht I would say is fear, more its that hope there is more.

We all leave the body for one last time.

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