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Old 08-12-2012, 01:38 PM
Posts: n/a
Originally Posted by Hedonologist
I'd like to share with you my beliefs about consciousness specifically, and reincarnation. My thoughts on this have developed over many years so it might be difficult for me to articulate it fully at times.

The core principle of my beliefs on this matter are that there is only a single consciousness, and that if other people do exist (as opposed to just being philosophical zombies) then they must be a reincarnation of the single consciousness. For example, once I pass away I may reincarnate into another person. the idea of there being more than 1 conscious entity seems incomprehensible to me. I have also used this to answer the common question of "why was my spirit put into this physical body, rather than someone else" the answer being that there is only one spirit that travels through different physical entities.

I suppose the main question isn't "why is MY spirit in THIS body", but instead "why am I THIS SPIRIT"

feel free to ask questions as I may not have made my thoughts clear enough to those new to my ideas.

It's been said that once upon a time there was a single consciousness, all alone in the night. Then that consciousness did something that changed the Universe forever, it asked the question "Who Am I?" In order to answer that question it split itself in two so that it could look at itself. The Universe had changed forever. Duality and Separation was was born. Quite a few years later and here we are.

Just as we have different aspects of ourselves - father/mother, son/daughter....... If we were as clever as Spirit perhaps we could completely separate those aspects as individuals so we could see how they interact with each other. So the question would be, if you ccould separate those aspects of yourself into individual components then bring them together again to interact with each other, what would you get out of it? I believe that we are an aspect of our Spirits. For me, that answers many questions on how I remember Past Lives. It is also known as the 'Oneself' or 'Overself'. If you think of an octopus with us on the end of a tentacle you'll get the idea.

Originally Posted by Hedonologist
I suppose the main question isn't "why is MY spirit in THIS body", but instead "why am I THIS SPIRIT"
It's about levels. If we could see those aspects of ourselves as individual and separate we would learn/experience on a personal level. Being (seemingly) separate humans brings that up a level, as would (seemingly) separate Spirits. Each level would bring its own understanding. As Above, so Below. If you know what it means to be mother/father, son/daughter... then you would have a little inkling as to what it means to be (seemingly) separate beings, Spirits...

"why am I THIS SPIRIT" What does Spirit get out of it?
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